The Difference

“I can’t do this.”

I was pulling my normal crazy of talking to myself but this time my throat was choked with tears and I was peering over my tummy to try to read the scale.

There it was.  The number in all its digital truthfulness.  I had gained again.

Out of deep, long standing brokenness my mind began to twirl with all shades of unhealthy self-talk.

  • I will never conquer the issue of weight in my life.
  • I will always be the “out-going chubby red-head” … you know her, right?
  • Why even bother trying?
  • I’m speaking this weekend… what do I have in my closet to hide behind?
  • They are not going to take me seriously because I’m fat.
  • Why don’t I have any self-discipline?
  • When’s lunch?

Thankfully that very weekend someone entered into my story and agreed to coach me through my weight loss and health journey.  It made ALL the difference.  I have been on my journey for 3.5 weeks now.  I’m losing my cravings for most unhealthy things.  I’m down 8.5 lbs.  I’ve been forced to face the reasons why I want to stuff my face sometimes…even when I’m not hungry.  I am more in tune with my body and what it needs at any given moment.  I’ve realized that I was a Carb-a-holic… is that a thing?  It must be a thing.    I also know precisely why I want and need to do this.  The “why” is critical to success in any endeavor and I don’t know that I would have found it without my coach spurring me to do so. It is not easy.  But having my coach beside me is what has helped me stick it out thus far.  And trust me, 3.5 weeks is a marathon for me when it comes to eating right.

This whole past month just reinforces what I have believed for several years now.  When going through a transition, or stretching a goal, or making big decisions, having a COACH is invaluable.  It can mean the difference between living life in limbo or experiencing fulfilling success.  Why is this?


A coach...

What goal are you trying to crush right now?

Are you facing a transition that’s left you exhausted and bleary eyed?

Maybe you’re stuck and don’t even imagine a next step.

If you fit into any of these categories, perhaps a coach is just what you need.  In my case, I needed a coach within a specific niche with knowledge of a particular way of eating.  In your case, you may need the definition of coach I shared above.  I know that the times I have partnered up with a coach have been the times when I have experienced the most growth.

In 2017 I became certified as a Professional Coach because I have a passion for seeing people light up when they find their passion and purpose.  If you have ever considered getting a coach, I encourage you to reach out.  You will find the prices reasonable and the benefits invaluable.  Shoot me an email or give me call.  Or simply leave a comment below.  I’m excited to see what you do next!